Friday, March 28, 2025
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Box Office

Get all the Box Office related and centric news from Pakistan and the world over only at PakistaniJournal is a news platform that gives importance to real matters and not what the mainstream media dictates. Unlike the rest, at  PakistaniJournal, we make sure that readers draw their own conclusions from what they read. The PakistaniJournal covers a wide range of issues – including but not limited to Current Affairs, Entertainment, Sports, esports, Celebrities News, Hollywood Box Office News, Business, Bollywood, Life, Culture, How-to Guides and much, much more. At The PakistaniJournal, we strive hard to bring you the latest info from the world and especially from Pakistan. The PakistaniJournal refrains from enforcing its opinions on readers, but rather believes in educating them on matters that need attention. At The PakistaniJournal, we make sure that everything that you read or see is without the delay, i.e., we are averse to media censorship.