Power Full Energy Drink TV ad banned due to Vulgar Content: PEMRA

Watch Video Power Full Energy Drink TV ad banned due to Vulgar Content PEMRA

The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has banned commercial of Power Full Energy Drink airing on TV these days on the basis of vulgarity and indecent content.

PEMRA made the decision to ban the TVC in Pakistan after receiving many complaints by the public through the Pakistan Citizen Portal and PEMRA Complaints Call Centre.
So PEMRA went ahead and released a notification that entails the many violations.
Based on the notification issued by PEMRA to all its licensees, The Power Full Energy Drink TV Commercial content that went against Islamic values, social norms and ethics of Pakistan.

Copy of the notifications are as below:

PEMRA bans Energy Drink TV Commercial Because of Vulgar content

power full energy drink banned

“It [PEMRA] has monitored that most satellite television channels are airing a TVC [television commercial] of Power Full (energy drink). The content of the advertisement is considered to be indecent, vulgar and against Islamic values, social norms and ethics of Pakistani society,” read a notification by the media watchdog, a copy of which was also released by PEMRA on Twitter.

PEMRA made the decision to ban the TVC in Pakistan after receiving many complaints by the public through the Pakistan Citizen Portal and PEMRA Complaints Call Center. All PEMRA licensees have been requested to ensure that all content aired through their respective channels much conform to the Electronic Media Code of Conduct 2015.

Since the ad has been banned on TV it has been doing rounds on the internet.


Do you think the video is vulgar for the Pakistani TV audience?